Meeting houses
Westdale - second Sunday every month starting at 10:45. meetings last for 45 minutes.
Quaker Roots
Westdale was founded in 1966 by a group of Nottingham Quakers who decided to live together and share care, food and housekeeping costs. As might be expected we continue with an atmosphere of cheerful and friendly peacefulness.
Westdale Care Home welcomes all people over 60, of all faiths and none; the Quaker influence is predominantly through a committee of trustees who ensure that the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, material and physical welfare of those in Westdale’s care, including the staff, is given careful consideration.
“As life goes on, and the body gets a little tired, we must consider how best to care for ourselves or seek support for our loved ones. There is a very special place, called westdale care home, in West Bridgford for people who choose not to manage their own household anymore but would like to enjoy a full life with a little extra help. Unobtrusive support and personal privacy and dignity are highly valued.”
We are a not-for-profit service and continue to follow the values of the Quakers:
Equality and Justice
Truth & Integrity
Simplicity and Sustainability
Neither residents nor employees are expected to be Quakers, all faiths and personal beliefs are valued and respected.
If you would like to know more about the quakers, then please visit Quakers in Britain (link below)
A Quaker meeting is held on the second Sunday of each month starting at 10.45 a.m. Meetings last for 45 minutes. Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings, but please inform the home beforehand if this is your first visit. If you would like to know more about the Religious Society of Friends (quakers) in Britain, further details can be found at quaker.org.uk. For details of Quakers in Nottingham go to nottinghamquakers.org.uk (links below)